29 July 2011

Classic Jade Mountain Chow Mein Sign Is Missing

A couple months ago, I expressed concern that Shoolbred's, the bar that occupies that space long held by old-school, East Village Chinese institution Jade Mountain—wan't taking care of the old "Chow Mein" neon sign that still hung from the second floor. The lights, long ablaze, had gone out, depriving the community of a lovely visual delight, as well as a link to history.

Now comes more disturbing news from EV Grieve. The sign is gone completely. There's construction netting over the old building and work is being done. That's the obvious reason the sign was removed. But will it be returned?

Meanwhile, JVNY reports this comment from a reader:
"Spoke to Dean Maroulakos the General Mgr of Shoolbred's and Ninth Ward today. He asked that anyone with historic/preservation concern for this sign please contact him through email at info@ninthward.com or call his cell 646 275 0461 so he can direct you to the landlord."

That would sound like the sign is not coming back, which would be a crying shame. But at least it may be preserved. It's very probably the last of its kind in the City.


  1. It is bad to hear that the sign is gone completely. Sign is fascinating me. I never went there but can see in photo...thanks for sharing the photo !

  2. I hope this sign can at least be preserved! i hate to see classic signs go by the way side!!


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