03 August 2011

American Eagle Outfitters Provides Adult Entertainment for Family Plaza Viewing

If you're familiar with Times Square, you're familiar with the outdoor tourist plaza Mayor Bloomberg has transformed it into. And if you're familiar with that lawn-chair strewn haven of suburban complacence, you're familiar withe the several-story tall American Eagle Outfitters store at the north west corner of Broadway and 46th Street, the one with the facade that is a huge, constantly changing video screen.

Lounging tourists love to sit in Duffy Square and watch the ever-changing images, which include many ads for the crap that American Eagle Outfitters pushes, as well as photos of the many people who visit the shop and foolishly have their picture taken and projected on the screen, for all the world to see. Some of the video segments are obviously geared toward kids, like the above clip.

But then others are not. Like this one, which came about a minute after the "Rock Your Own Video" clip. It featured a few young, nubile, semi-nude ladies cavorting around in what I have to imagine are AEO brand undergarments. They lounge in windows, they bounce friskily from room to room, they smile and walk away from the camera. All for the viewing pleasure of the families and kids down in Bloomberg plaza, where life is wholesome and pleasant.

Who needs the x-rated film houses that used to line 42nd Street when you've got this? Today's Times Square is a strange place.

1 comment:

  1. Is that projected, or is it some kind of LED screen?


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