17 August 2011

Fortune House to Get Makeover

Brooklyn Heights' landmark, old-school Chinese restaurant Fortune House is closed for renovation. I hope they don't spoil the wonderful, untouched, old New York cheesiness of the interior. We don't need another shiny, anonymous eatery that looks like nothing and everything else at the same time.  We need Fortune House. And they better not touch that sign!


  1. Closed for Renovations = we failed, out of business forever. A profitable business always finds a way to stay open during renovations. It would never risk the loss of customer base that a prolonged closing invariably entails.


  2. I took a picture of the storefront recently, hope they keep the look..


  3. Seems like their “renovations” had to do with unfair labor practices brought to light in a lawsuit by workers who have been there since 1985. The summary: All workers were underpaid and paid under the table. The old owners “renovated” their way out of business and now the place has a new owners but the same facade.



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