04 October 2011

Lucali Having Problem With BYOB Boozers

Apparently, some patrons at Lucali are taking the BYOB policy at the famous Carroll Gardens pizzeria a little too far. This hilarious (and frankly unclear) sign recently appeared in the window. I guess Lucali has had trouble enough over the past six months—what with the owner having knife fights on the street and all—to have to worry about drunkards opening a bottle of wine per slice.

But I think this sign is just going to confuse matters more. What does it mean, "limited to 1, 2, and 3 bottles per table." Is it 1 bottle, 2 or 3? And bottles of wine, or bottles of beer? And is the limit the same for a table of 2 as it is for a table of 8? Guess the hostess has the details.


  1. It's the damn yuppies getting drunk AND/OR bringing crazy amounts of bottles to dinner. And to the author, if you're confused by the sign, then go back to grade school. 1-3 bottles. That's it. Not very hard to understand.

  2. Instead of a snide remark about the sign, why didn't you go in and ask for clarification. It would have been the kinder way out don't you think.

  3. Anonymous #1: The sign IS confusing. If you understand it, then you're confused.
    Anonymous #2: Because that wouldn't have been funny!
    Both Anons: Read the proviso before leaving a comment: "The blog DOES NOTE accept Anonymous comments." Not very hard to understand.

  4. Sweet. We're straight up bringing one, two, AND three bottles of corn whiskey for a six-total bottle THROW-DOWN at Lucali!!! Maybe we'll order some pizza too.

  5. Keep getting only Anonymous comments on this one. Attach a name, folks, and I'll post your thoughts. Otherwise, no dice.

  6. Keep getting Anonymous comments, from the same party I believe. Still won't attach a name. Strange. Oh, by the way, Anon, regarding your recent comment (not published because you STILL don't sign your name): same back at you!

    One further observation about the sign. A business posts a public sign, it's instantly fair game to public commentary.

  7. moose of redhook excuse me carrol gardens10/05/2011 5:17 PM

    Its probably because of the snobbish french infiltration or the yuppie scum who think its ok to bring several bottles of wine while ordering only one pizza therfore tying up a table all night while the rest of us wait outside to get in

  8. upstate Johnny G10/05/2011 9:53 PM

    Corn whiskey? Why not Everclear? Then we can just mix it with some Cokie Cola and have a high ole time!

    If I get burned out writing on Thursday I get up the gumption to give'm a call and ask for da details. If I do you'll read'em here first.

  9. Hank on Henry10/06/2011 2:27 PM

    This sign is a form of stealth advertising. Purposefully inscrutable to attract attention and provoke comment... Brilliant. I'm never eating there again...

  10. Clearly, the the amount of liquor permitted is based on the number of patrons in the group. Could the sign have been clearer? Yes, but as it states, you can also ask for more info from the servers. What is the big deal? I think the fact that customers are taking advantage of the BYOB allowance is much more interesting and actual story, rather than the vague sign. Why wasn't that story written about?


Sorry. This blog DOES NOT accept Anonymous comments. I also reserve the right to not post abusive or offensive comments, or anything that contains the phrase "a real New Yorker."