06 October 2011

Not Everything Changes

A lot of space on this blog is devoted to bemoaning things that change, and not for the better. But, I must keep reminding myself, not everything changes. Some things—even some nondescript, ahistorical things—endure. Even in a hip, ever-morphing neighborhood like the East Village.

Take the block of First Avenue between 1st and 2nd. I used to live around here 20 years ago. This Laundry Center has been on the corner of 1st since then.

Next to the laundromat has long been this peculiar, rather unappealing pizzeria. I think I've been in it once. But others must like it a lot. It's going strong.

As long-lasting is this take-out Chinese joint, just to the right of the pizzeria. I think it changed names at one point. And who knows, it's probably changed hands a few times. But it's always been a Chinese take-out.

Completing this steadfast row of businesses is this deli. Again, it may have different owners than it did in the late '80s, but it's always been a deli and the layout hasn't changed much.

How to explain this phenom. Don't know. Coincidence? Or maybe they all have the same reasonable landlord. More than likely.

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