29 November 2011

Can New York's Restaurant Swells Please Keep Their Glitter-Stained Hands Off the City's Landmarks?

First Graydon Carter souped up the legendary Waverly Inn and the Monkey Bar. Then Gabe Stulhman fancified  the Village icon Fedora. And Torrisi Italian Specialties, is threatening to take over Rocco's, the old Village Italian standby. Now this:
Former Waverly Inn chef John DeLucie is opening a new front in the restaurant war with his former boss Graydon Carter. The team behind clubby eateries Crown and The Lion — Mark Amadei, Sean Largotta and DeLucie — is in talks to take over 1920s speakeasy Bill’s Gay ’90s right across the street from Monkey Bar, co-owned by Carter. If the deal goes through for the East 54th Street townhouse, they hope to reopen it by the spring. Sources say they plan to re-create the old-time feel of the original bar with a first-floor tavern and several private rooms. Carter was partners with DeLucie at Waverly Inn until he left last year to open The Lion. A Crown rep had no comment.

Here's a news flash to Mr. DeLucie: Bill's already has an old-time feel. Don't fuck it up with your vile whoring-after-the-1%, faux-authentic sensibilities. This is not your element. You have no idea what a real New York tavern is. So: Back. The. Hell. Away. From. Bill's.


  1. I am sick to my stomach. There has to be a way to stop this. Where are the wealthy people with a passion for the old city? Where are the people with influence that have a heart for New York landmarks? Why is it always some new school clown taking over with plans for the next hot spot? There has to be an end to these tragedies.

  2. The first people to contact would be Bill's Gay Nineties owner/proprietor and ask why they would consider this "deal" in the first place.
    there is no word of this on their website.

  3. I assume it's because they have declared bankruptcy....

    If only the right person would come along and save it.

  4. Upstate Johnny G11/29/2011 5:26 PM

    the folks who own the business don't own the building. There is a cool dining room upstairs from the bar and I think another room above that and then the owner and her partner live on the next floor up.

  5. i'm still hoping it's just a rumor.

  6. I think that John Delucie and his team do a wonderful job at re-doing the spaces he gets for his restaurants. I know he would keep the old charm as that is what he is into. It is really sad when people don't know him and automatically judge him by saying comments that are completely false. I hope that he does take over Bill's as I know it will be a wonderful place just like all his others.

  7. I disagree, obviously. I think he takes the charm of the old places and tarts it up. Bill's is not broken. It doesn't need to be fixed.


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