28 January 2012

Wooden Phone Booth Sighting: Holiday Cocktail Lounge

As the Holiday Cocktail Lounge sails off into the East Village sunset tonight, it's high time I acknowledged that it is home to one of the city's diminishing number of wooden phone booths. Last time I checked (a few days ago), it was also one of the few that still had its phone—and a phone that was in working order! That will end today, when the 47-year old bar closes its doors forever.


  1. More and more phone booths seem like a relic of the past since the emergence of the now ubiquitous "cell phone."

    Hope all is well,



  2. I for one will surely miss The Holiday Lounge. When I first moved into The East Village (St Marks & Ave. A) and lived just one block from the Holiday Lounge, this was "Favorite" neighborhood "GO-To-Bar" I just Loved it. The things I loved most about the place were just the general vibe of the place physicall and the crowd. Physically, the Holiday Lounge was and still is pure East Village, most important, "Not Contrived," just a great old East Village drinking bar. Numer 2 and 3 were the fact that I could drink my favorite drink at the time "Stoli and Grapefruit" for just $2.oo at a time when the average price of the drink in NYC was 3 Times the price at about $6.00. Also there was Stephon the owner, who was also the Bartender. Holiday Lounge was a great East Village Institution that will be Missed by many. RIP .....

    PS Great Site! Love it....



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