27 February 2012

Manganaro Grosseria Italiana Closes for Good


I passed by Manganaro Grosseria Italiana just last week, and almost went in for a sandwich. But didn't.

And now it's gone forever.

It's been on the books for a year now that it was on its way out. But it lingered. Not anymore. According to JVNY, the tables have been removed, the shelves emptied, and a note on the website reads, "As of February 27, 2012, Manganaro Foods will no longer be open in New York City. We will let you know when we re-open." (Looks like J. made the same mistake of not visiting when he got a chance.)

Thus ends a 121-year run.
Here's an account of a visit I paid last year about this time.


  1. Based on that young woman's expression, if looks could kill you'd be eating dandelions by the root (as the French would say). Guess some people sure don't like being photographed ...

  2. "...on the books..." ? Explain most colorful usage, please.


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