16 February 2012

An Overlooked Survivor of Coney Island

Ravaged Coney Island doesn't have many landmark businesses left standing. You can count them on a couple hands. I thought I knew them all. Then I walked by Friscia Pharmacy on Mermaid Avenue.

As the banner said, the pharmacy is celebrating 90 years. Could it be so? I went in and asked. Yes, it was so. In fact, more than 90 years. In fact, since the butcher Major Primes Meats across the street closed a couple years ago, Friscia is the only old school business left standing on the avenue. It is currently owned by Frank A. Giordano.

Inside, Friscia is a no-frills sort of place. There's an old scale you can weigh yourself on. And a collection of antique mortars and pestles. But otherwise, it's your basic neighborhood pharmacy where you can buy the things you need. Locals mill about the aisles. They are familiar figures to the staff, and the staff members are familiar figures to the clientele. You got the feeling that Friscia truly filled a lot of  Regular Working Stiff Coney Island's medical needs.


  1. Do they have a counter where you can get something small to eat and drink like we used to have in Brooklyn?

  2. Marion Friscia Harding8/08/2012 11:32 AM

    my name is Marion Friscia Harding..My father was Anthony Friscia, the original owner of Friscia Pharmacy. He owned it for 50 years. He was very well respected in the neighborhood and was written up in the local Italian paper many times for the many kind things he did for his clients. Thank you Coney Island for all you are doing to keep my Dad's memory alive. It is so wonderfully emotional for me. If you have any comments or question I would be happy to oblige. my email is ladymidge@aol.


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