20 June 2012

Schnack Owner Part of Team Reviving Leske's Bakery

As reported earlier on this blog, Leske's Bakery, the old Scandinavian bake shop in Bay Ridge, which closed in May 2011, is reopening under new management. Part of that management team is Harry Hawk, the restauranteur behind Carroll Gardens' late, lamented hot dog joint Schnack. Hawk wrote in to report his vision for the place:

We think that you are correct that things are (anywhere) not nearly as good as they used to be.
The bakers have requested we "turn back the clock" on quality and we agree. For example we will return to making Custards and puddings from scratch.
There is a fine line here of course. The further back you go in terms of quality, ingredients, etc. the more expensive the baked good become.
In season, we will be making fruit toppings from scratch with local fruits.
Once we open, we are eager to get everyone's feedback.

1 comment:

  1. I hope they are able to turn the Way-Back Machine to a good destination. It would be nice to have some quality back in commercially baked goods.


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