06 July 2012

Two Astoria Bars

I like the names of these Astoria bars. Sometimes just a slightly unusual handle can set an otherwise run-of-the-mill tavern off from its competition. Irish names for pubs are as common as water. But usually it's one name. The partnership of McCaffrey & Burke is something different. Sounds like a law firm, or a Vaudeville act. Lavelle's Admirals Club is even more distinctive. One, because of the name Lavelle. (Is that a first or last name?) Two, because of the Admirals thing. Is/was this a Navy hangout? A pilot bar? A home for fans of the Milwaukee Admirals?


  1. So -- did you venture inside the Admirals Club? I've always been curious when passing on the bus.

  2. I went to Lavelle's Admiral Club about 8 years on a visit to NYC. It is a little hole in the wall, but since I AM a Lavelle, it was necessary for me to check them out. Lavelle is a very common surname in County Mayo, Ireland. The Admiral is added to distinguish WHICH family of Lavelle's this family is associated with. :)


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