31 October 2012

City Island's Tony's Pier Restaurant Among Sandy's Victims

Among the victims of the Superstorm Sandy's wrath was Tony's Pier Restaurant, a local landmark in The Bronx's maritime City Island neighborhood.

Tony's sat at the very south end of City Island Avenue, facing directly out onto the sea. Damage from Sandy was perhaps inevitable, given its position. But Tony's wasn't felled by flooding, but by fire. Fifty-foot flames gutted and leveled the place, which was a favorite for lobster and seafood plates.

I cannot find out when Tony's was founded, but it is old enough. The current owners are the children of a man who used to work at Tony's in the 1950s and finally bought the place in 1981.

The owners hope to reopen in spring 2013.


  1. Somehow I always find myself going to Johnny's Reef I do hope they reopen, however.

  2. Me, too. I always go to Johnny's. Regret not having visited Tony's more.


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