04 December 2012

A Good Sign: Cambridge Podiatry Center

Nice blocky letters. Plain and simple, yet it has a style. Like the whole storefront, too, with the yellow brick and venetian blinds.

1 comment:

  1. therealguyfaux12/05/2012 8:29 AM

    Much as all the phonies would like to tell everybody they live "near Riverdale," the area in which this photo is taken is Kingsbridge, which gets no love and, like Mr Dangerfield of yore, no respect. The problem, as I've always seen it, is that if you say "Kingsbridge," people think of Kingsbridge Rd, a different area altogether. Boston Rd, for example, is the road TO Boston, as Kingsbridge Rd is the road TO Kingsbridge. The "Road" is Kingsbridge Hts. The only reason for my pedantry is that streets such as Corlear, Tibbett and Irwin Avenues are as attractive as any in the city if you like two-story rowhouses, and a few Victorians still exist on Kingsbridge AV, not to be confused with the Road, and the neighborhood need not feel an inferiority complex just because it's downhill from Riverdale and because no one can place it who didn't, like myself, grow up there.


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