07 March 2014

Sarge's Deli Reopens After 15-month Closure

This City is growing alarmingly short of classic New York delis. So it was painful to hear, in November 2012, that Sarge's Deli in Murray Hill—one of the lesser sung delis, but a dearly loved one nonetheless (witness the crazy number of comments on my "Who Goes There?" column in 2011)—was gutted by fire. I'm sure many suspected it would never rise from the ashes.

Happily, the skeptics were wrong. Sarge's reopened for business this week. Here are some shots of the interior. Strangely, the owners seemed to have strived to recreate the deli's unremarkable interior exactly. The place basically looks as it did before the fire. Only a little cleaner.


  1. I didn't know that Sarge's Deli had a fire. I haven't been in the neighborhood in several years. I used to work nearby and frequented Sarge. Glad to hear that they are back in business. There are so few delis left in NY. Sad. : (

  2. I was sorry to hear that Sarge's deli had a fire. At first, I didn't recognize the name, but when I saw the location, I knew it was the deli I used to frequent when I worked in Murray Hill. There are so few left in NY. Sad. Glad to hear that they are back in business.

  3. Sad to say that the Frontier Coffee Shop, at 3rd and 39th, which perished in a fire (along with a connected Greek restaurant it shared a kitchen/owner with) a year or two before Sarge's, is now the site of a rising condo monstrosity.


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