17 May 2007

The French Court

Sure is a lot of activity going on at the northwest corner of Court Street and Degraw, the space once occupied by a dingy branch of OTB. On the DeGraw side, workers are feverishly pounding away at some nice-looking red brick. Peering through the dirty glass doors on Court, one can see some already assembled brick archways. They sure weren't there when OTB was around. A restaurant landscape, to be certain.

A chat with the fine folks at old Scotto's wine shop next door confirmed it is to be a French bistro. This made my heart sink a bit, until I learned that the place will be owned and run by the same guys who own P.J. Hanley's, and ancient tavern just down the road. So one imagines they might be respectful of the Court Street vibe and the general flavor of the neighborhood. We shall see.

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