16 May 2007

P & G: No Cover, No Minimum, No Walls

Thanks to the New York Observer for an update on the nervous-making situation at endangered UWS tavern P&G.

The landlord, who smells money in the air and has been trying to shove the old bar onto the street, has found a "new way of chasing us the hell out of here," says P&G owner. That new way? Well, basically, ripping down the walls of the place to make needed storefront improvements. How do you conduct business with no walls? Good question. My guess is the landlord doesn't expect P&G to conduct any business, which is exactly the point. Scumlord wants a bank branch in that choice corner spot.

The Observer has been tenacious is covering this story, and the new article is full of tasty tidbits: a Jacques Torres chocolate franchise is moving in next door (talk about jarring juxtapositions); the bar's lease expires at the end of 2008; the owners are contemplating bringing in a real cook to spur cash flow.

McHale's, Chumley's, P&G. Take heed, New Yorkers: your classic bars are fast disappearing. Soon there will be no place where anybody knows your name.


  1. I just came across this blog . . . great subject to focus on . . . I love the old stores and signs of new york.

    I always say if I ever have a storefront business in NYC I will keep the sign of the previous establishment if possible.

  2. I spent many time in this bar, even walking home a lady who was showing her tits off inside of it to avoid anyone taking advantage of her. Very few bars on the UWS that can be called dives.
    It also got the best bar sign award in the voice a few years ago.

  3. Let's hope you buy a storefront business real soon, Jacob.

  4. I'm not sure if I would still fight this.

    Either the real estate bubble pops in the next couple years or it doesn't. The last four years have been frustrating, because NY still has a reputation as a great city, but everything worthwhile about it is disappearing. Alot of this is due to real estate getting so expensive that only bland people and bland chains can afford it here. If this turns out to be permanent, in about two years the city's reputation will catch up to the reality and at least fewer people will want to come here. If its not, this phase of the city's history should pass quite quickly.

  5. Gotta fight the good fight as long as I can, Glass Half Full. A lot of the things that make NYC distinctive are disappearing, true—the things I call "living landmarks," like historic bars, restaurants, stores, people—but, barring earthquake or governmental insanity, New York will always retain certain valuable assets: Grand Central, the Empire State, Central Park, the streets of the Village, etc. The town will always be worth living in to a certain extent. Except it will feel like a museum of architectural wonders surrounded by ugly big box stores and condo towers. What can one do, except let the power that be know that the current state of affair is not acceptable to a great many of us?


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