15 August 2007

Trader Joe's on Fast Track

It's safe to assume that Boerum Hill/Brooklyn Heights/Cobble Hill will see its Trader Joe's sooner rather than later. I peeked inside the old Independence Bank building at the corner of Court and Atlantic—Joe's new home—and there's a whole lot of debris in there. (I took the above lousy photo through the door window.) Looks like they're working like fiends. And there's also all kinds of messages scrawled on the wall instructing workers to "save" this and "save" that. Seems that want to keep that cozy, old-bank feel as much as possible.


Anonymous said...

"And there's also all kinds of messages scrawled on the wall instructing workers to 'save' this and 'save' that. Seems that want to keep that cozy, old-bank feel as much as possible." Or maybe they're marking all the lovely old details they want saved so that they can sell them to a salvage company.

Brooks of Sheffield said...

You have a point, Anonymous. I have been naive about the ways of developers in the past. One would like to think, however, that Trader Joe's is going to take full advantage of its classy new digs.

Anonymous said...

Wow--I haven't been to the old neighborhood in a long time. This used to be my bank--and my parent's bank. My first grade school bank account was here--and now the thought of spending money there as a Trader Joes seems odd. But I love Trader Joes and hope they can retain some of the character of this great space.

Anonymous said...

Jeez...I should probably retrieve the contents of my safety deposit box!