20 August 2009

Comment of the Day

Three months ago, I posted an item about this old building at the corner of Nevins and Sackett, wondering idly about what sort of business might have occupied the ground floor back in the day.

Among the few pieces of evidence I could cull from newspaper archives was that, in 1901, John Hogan, aged one, died here.

Yesterday, I received this message from one Ed Stewart:

John Hogan the infant who died at 285 Nevins Street in 1901 was my grandmother’s first cousin. He was the son of Jeremiah Hogan, a boxmaker, born in Brooklyn of Irish parents, and Jeremiah’s wife, Julia Noonan, who emigrated from Barleymount West, Killarney, Co. Kerry in 1886. Young John still has 2 nieces (who of course never knew him) living in Brooklyn and a nephew on Long Island. At the time of John’s death the Hogans had only recently moved to 285 Nevins from either 47 or 49 Sackett Street. I believe Jeremiah Hogan also died at 285 in 1915 or 1916.

Every old building in New York holds a hundred stories.

1 comment:

  1. The ground floor, at one time, was occupied by a saloon.


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