20 August 2009

Some Stuff That's Interesting: Political Edition

The primaries are coming up folks. Pay attention! The winners will rule your lives!

Three out of four candidates for Public Advocate support eminent domain abuse. How's that for advocating for the public! [Times Ledger via Queens Crap]

Restless finds the Urban Shed Competition is just another dodge on "how to paint a Happy Face on the unbridled development required by Bloomberg's core constituency: the Masterds* of the Universe and the greedy developers who build condos for them and their legions of wannabe Masterds (who binge crawl all over the LES, East Village, and soon Williamsburg, doing their best to eject their soul along with their stomach contents and thus attain Masterdhood)." Amen, brother!

Bloomberg administration puts off the long-planned rezoning of Gowanus until they figure out a way to kill the Superfund bid and fool the public into thinking they've got a real plan for the clean-up of the canal. Are they panicking, or is this political blackmail? [Brownstoner]

Bloomberg criticizes the MTA workers' raises. Wait, no, he supports them. No, he does both. [NY Times]

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