20 August 2009

Shocker: NYU Fucking Up Provincetown Playhouse Preservation

Hey, they never really cared about the historic dump in the first place, did they?

To the surprise of no one, but the dismay of everyone, NYU has carelessly and predictably screwed up the preservation of the Provincetown Playhouse. The whole world fought with the education behemoth last year when it announced it's intention to tear down the historic theatre, which gave birth to Eugene O'Neill and the whole of modern American theatre. After many community meetings and lots of bad press, NYU begrudgingly agreed to keep the theatre building in place and build its desired new law school structure around it, rather than destroy the entire address in favor of a new edifice.

Only, you gotta watch the assholes at NYU like a hawk or they'll tear down the Washington Square Arch while you're not looking. According to an article in The Villager, work was "put on hold on Aug. 18 after neighbors discovered that part of the historic playhouse wall that was to have been preserved had been removed."

Reactions were not mild. "The discovery of the missing wall segment last week outraged Andrew Berman, executive director of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation, and prompted Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer to demand on Monday that work related to the theater cease, except as related to structural stability, until the community is informed of the extent of the damage."

Alicia Hurley, N.Y.U. vice president for government and community engagement, and one of the biggest liars you'll ever want to meet, said "a portion of the north wall of the theater, dating from before 1916, was removed about three weeks ago when it was found to be made partly of rubble and unstable. She said she discovered the removal only last Thurs., Aug. 13...My office should have known about it and takes full responsibility for the communications gap,” Hurley said. Work as related to the theater will cease and will not resume until a report is made to the community within the next two weeks. “The final shoring up of one wall of the theater is being done this week to hold everything in place, and then we’ll take a break from work in the theater part of the project,” Hurley said."

Why don't they just tear down the whole thing one midnight, like developers sometimes do to get around the City, and get it over with. You know that's what they really want to do.

(Picture from Curbed.)


  1. Andrew Berman isn't the only fighter in the battle against New York University. My website, The Clyde Fitch Report, has been on the front lines against the university (my alma mater) since last year. We knew Hurley was lying when she strong-armed the Community Board into voting to allow NYU to demolish the building surrounding the playhouse and to keep the four walls of the theater intact. Now we have proof. Once again, NYU has proven itself to be the unrepentent Pinocchio of New York.

    Leonard Jacobs
    Editor, The Clyde Fitch Report

  2. Of course you are, Leonard. I know your site well. Keep up the good fight.

  3. heck, the almost got away with leveling the whole thing. I live on the next block and you could feel the jackhammers every morning.


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