09 September 2009

A Good Sign: Turkey's Nest Tavern

Well known, old time bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


  1. Old time bar? Perhaps, but the Stella, PBR and Brooklyn Brewery offerings all shout "hipster."


  2. It was still a fun bar when I was last there four years ago. I'll admit I don't go to Williamsburg anymore since its started to feel like walking through a college campus, plus its a pain to get to from anywhere on the weekends with the MTA subway scramble, but when I was there last the Turkey's Nest still had some of the old regulars.

  3. We used to go to the Turkey's Nest and buy quarts of brew in cardboard containers while playing softball across the street. Like everywhere else, the hipster hordes invade the neighborhood and attempt to bring civilization and ugly hirises to the backward natives. If they can put a man on the moon, why can't they find a cure for hipsters?

  4. And, another thing, Mr Blog Guy:

    Turkey's Nest is in Greenpoint, not Williamsburg. The historical boundary between the two is Metropolitan Avenue(formerly N.2nd St.), from the East River, to Meeker Avenue, and Woodpoint Road/Maspeth Avenue further north.

  5. I might have to take you up on that, SGI. Turkey's Nest is pretty borderline. And most of the people I know who live in Williamsburg think it's in Williamsburg.

    Signs, Mr. Blog Guy.


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