01 October 2009

Amazement: The Lobster Is Back!

Don't understand how it happened, and don't really care, but the Brooklyn Heights Blog reports that the neon lobster sign has been restored to its rightful place above the newly reopened Armando's in Brooklyn Heights:

The Beatles never got back together. The Dodgers haven’t come back to Brooklyn (yet). But today a true miracle happened in Brooklyn Heights – the Armando’s Lobster sign returned to its home on Montague Street. Brooklyn Bugle/BHB publisher Homer Fink waged a campaign to save the sign, a fixture in the neighborhood for decades, back in 2008 when the original incarnation of the eatery closed its doors. Today, like manna from heaven, the sign rose like a phoenix from the ashes (or Mr. Byros’ storage facility) and once again graces Montague Street. So, the circle is now complete - the lobster is back and the restaurant is great!


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