03 November 2009

See Guss Go

Bowery Boogie has pictures of the final exodus of Lower East Side mainstay Guss' Pickles. Sad, sad, sad.

Yesterday afternoon, we stopped by Guss’ Pickles for the weekly regimen of delicious full sours. Outside the tiny storefront, owner Patricia Fairhurst was busy with a handtruck, unloading boxes of Ball jars and latex gloves onto the sidewalk. It was a somber sight and a brief scare all rolled into one. However, Fairhurst assured us that customers still have the rest of this month to stockpile their most favorite pickled treats. In the interim, Guss’ will be gradually moving to its new diggs in Brooklyn.

To review how Lost City feels about this development, read here.

1 comment:

  1. I won't shed a tear about this, unfortunately: Guss's has gone far downhill since their ownership change. I get all of my sour and half-sour, and kraut needs met at The Pickle Guys now and I haven't looked back since changing!


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