01 November 2010

Ruby's Bar & Grill Is Gone for Good

Ruby's Bar & Grill, a raffish, Coney Island treasure to those who knew how to treasure Coney Island, has closed for good. The landlord did not renew the lease.

I was one of millions who have had a beer or two at the old bar at some point during the 76 years it was open. Those of you who are now reading this, and are just hearing of Ruby's, will never have the pleasure.

No neighborhood in New York has been so shabbily treated by the City over the past decade as Coney Island.


  1. I'll tell you what I won't miss - that bathroom, damp and yucky, one of the worst. But the rest of it, those weird velvet couches, slanted floors, men who looked like they have never seen the sun even though they are on the beach, and a good price for a beer.

  2. A shame. In about a decade this city will be sorry that they destroyed what was unique, special, and historical about Coney Island in a misguided attempt to 'save' it. By then, of course, it will be far too late.

  3. I'm one of them. Wish I'd visited earlier.


    Been playing catch up with your posts - I am so pleased that you decided to soldier on!


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