03 November 2010

Rumblings Inside Dormant Diner

When I first moved to the "wrong" side of the BQE in Carroll Gardens, the Waterfront Family Restaurant was one of the few going businesses along Columbia Street. But it closed soon after I moved nearby, and has sat stuck in time ever since.

Last week I saw the door open, the lights on and someone rumbling inside for the first time in a decade. No idea what's going on in there. But it was rather interesting to see how little the diner has changed since it entered its cocoon state. 


  1. Carol Gardens11/03/2010 6:53 AM

    The place is for rent. There's a sign in the window of one the real estate offices over there--Galeano or Manzione, I think...I always mix them up! I saw an old lady in there cleaning up and throwing out some dusty junk about a month ago. I wonder what the story is. It is always so strange when a place like this sits empty for year after year.


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