19 February 2011

A Good Sign: Wines Liquors

Don't know the name of this liquor store in Astoria. Doesn't really matter. Great sign.


  1. yes! great sign

  2. upstate Johnny G2/19/2011 3:32 PM

    yeah man, awesome sign. I want to go there and buy a bottle of scotch just to experience the signs!!

  3. That is most definitely a 1920s/30s typeface. You wonder how a neon sign can last 80 or 90 years. It must have been repaired along the way. And that it wasn't exchanged at some point for plastic is a wonder.

  4. Check out the neon sign on the liquor store on West 86 between Broadway and Amsterdam. The building dates from 1932 and the neon looks to be from that period.

  5. There is no form of signage that does the job like a good set of exposed neon letters. They may be hell to keep going, but damn, they look good!

  6. You should find out the name and publish it - that way fans of the sign can patronize the business!

  7. So glad you took this photo. I live in the neighborhood, and have often admired this sign..remarkable condition for a vintage neon sign..the store is on Broadway bet Steinway and 38st...I have spied some other vintage signs in and around Astoria/Woodside..if you accept contributions, I will send photos of them..thanks for your work, I always appreciate it.

  8. If you like that, you'll love the Queens Wines & Liquors sign in Ridgewood.

  9. Sweet heavenly Lord! I post these "A Good Sign" items all the time and they usually pass without comment. Here: 8 comments over four days. What goes on? What's the fascination with this sign?


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