25 July 2012

Carmine Merlino: Creator of Fine Men's Hairpieces

Carmine Merlino, "creator of fine men's hairpieces and ladies wigs," operates out of a funny little triangle of a storefront that occupies a narrow wedge of Emmons Avenue in Sheepshead Bay. His business is two stories tall, though both stories seem to be about as wide as a airplane bathroom.

Merlino has a lot of amusing signage. He calls his business a "Hair Replacement Studio." He boasts of a signature creation called "The Fantastico," which is "featherlight and undetectable."

By the looks of the signs, Carmine has been around for a while. I can find no history of the place or of Mr. Merlino. I don't recall ever seeing so prominent a business that specialized in toupees before, or a creators of men's wigs who was so obviously proud of his profession. There's an appealing innocence and straighforwardness to Merlino.


  1. That's something you would not find outside of NYC and its diverse shops. A rug merchant.

  2. The Merlino store has been in that location since at least September 1975, when my mother moved to the neighborhood.


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