22 July 2012

A Perfect Storefront: Stella Maris Fishing Station

Stella Maris Fishing Station is on Emmons Boulevard in Sheepshead Bay, with its back to the sea, and it's storefront is so perfect-looking that it's like a bait shop from central casting. (Nice Coca-Cola signs, but when do you think was the last time anyone went inside for a Coke?) The shop was founded in 1947. The website tells us this:
Here are some fishing rods we carry :
ugly stik, rouge, st Croix, star rods, plasma rods by star , shimano, tica, tsumani, seeker.
Here are some fishing reels we carry:
shimano, newell, penn, okuma, abu garica, avet, pro gear, delrin sidewinders 
We stock all fresh bait in season:
fresh bunker, fresh skimmers ( in shell or opened), mussels
We stock all live bait in season:
live eels, sand-worms, blood-worms, earth-worms, trout-worms, meal-worms, fiddler crabs, green crabs, white crabs, hermit crabs


  1. I have been in for a soda. Of course that was in 1964.

  2. Absolutely perfect

  3. All that you could possibly need.


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